/* What is this? When should it be seen and what do we do with it? We answer three important questions about these things: 1. Publishers can send their ads to the app, embedding it in the app instead of trying to infuse it inside an article - or other random places (which can be hard for the app to incorporate into an article) - purchasing ads in the app, we have two solutions. 1. Just buy them 2. Link exchanges (I get one click, you get 1.5) 2. Publishers can promote their premium content using special JSON-feeds, instead of fiddling around with pay-walls. Then you can have your free content widely available, and the paid content separate. Even if all your articles are free, you can use this to let your dedicated readers support the hard work. */ function PublisherPage(layout){ this.layout = layout } PublisherPage.prototype.setupFunction = function() { var layout = this.layout; var templateOptions = { layout : layout, header: new StaticTemplate(layout.mainTitleSmall), backgroundImage: "img/help_bg.jpg", imageColor: layout.feedsBlueColor, lessSpaciousLayout: 1, firstStyle: {}, secondStyle: { backgroundColor: layout.feedsBlueColor, color: "white" }, opaqueFooter: 1, } this.template = new FixedBackgroundTemplate(templateOptions); var dataHandler = new TemplateData({layout: this.layout, template: this.template, table: "publishers", isStatic: 1}) dataHandler.fetchData() } PublisherPage.prototype.layoutFunction = function(rootElement) { if (!rootElement) rootElement = this.layout.elements.rootElement; var templateJSON = this.template.templateJSON(); if (!templateJSON) return; this.layout.layoutJSON(rootElement, templateJSON) }